

Govindpur Block (As per old Gazaetteer)

Distance & Location from District Head Quarter : 12 Kms., North – East
Area (Hectare) 33,443.81
Total population 2,01,876
SC population 21,944
ST population 29,317
Cultivable land (Acre) 28,307.83
Cultivable Barren land (Acre) 2,555.69
Forest Area (Acre) 2,360.99
Total No. of Panchayats 39
Total No. of villages. 225
Total No. of Banks. 11
Block is Famous for Kandra Industrial Area. It is famous for production of Colour oxide, Hard Coke, Chemicals based on mining products etc.  It lies on Grand Trunk Road leading to Howrah ( Kolkota) in the East and Banaras in the West which further leads to Delhi.

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