

Dhanbad Block (As per old Gazaetteer)

Distance & Location from District Head Quarter : 1.5 Kms.
Area (Hectare) 12,882
Total population 5,64,468
SC population 92,429
ST population 12,677
Cultivable land (Acre) 4,882.46
Cultivable Barren land (Acre) 1,841.30
Forest Area (Acre) 776.10
Total No. of Panchayats 12
Total No. of villages. 85
Total No. of Banks. 55
Block is Famous for Some Important Institutions like ISM, CMRI, DGMS Hqtr., BCCL Hqtr., Central Hospital, MADA Hqtr., S.P Office as Police Hqtr., D.C. Office as Administrative Hqtr. Patliputra Medical College and Hospital, Agriculture Produce Market Committee (Bazar Samiti), Divisional Headquarter of East – Central Railway etc.

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